June 2021 Special Meeting
Town of Farmerville June 2021 Special Meeting
Town of Farmerville June 2021 Special Meeting
The Farmerville Town Council met in special session at Farmerville Community Center, located at 407 South Main Street, Farmerville, Louisiana, on June 28, 2021. The council members present were Mayor John Crow, Alderman Thomas Nation, Caroline Gatson, Robert Allen, and Ricky Johnikin. Kerry Hill was late.
The roll was called and with a quorum present Mayor Crow called the meeting to order. Invocation was offered by Mayor Pro-tem Caroline Gatson.
As state law requires, Town Clerk, Gay Nell Pepper, offered the public the opportunity to voice their opinion on all agenda items at this time.
On motion by Allen, seconded by Gatson and unanimously approved to allow the Jaycees request to close the streets downtown for the Louisiana Watermelon Festival on July 30 - 31, 2021.
On motion by Allen, seconded by Gatson and unanimously approved to select “The Gazette” as the Town’s official journal for the 2021/2022 fiscal year.
On motion by Gatson, seconded by Allen and unanimously approved to appoint Maxwell CPA, L.L.C. as auditor for our 2020/2021 fiscal year.
On motion by Allen, seconded by Gatson and unanimously approved hire Garrett and Garrett, CPA firm as the town’s internal auditors.
Alderman Kerry Hill arrived at this time.
On motion by Gatson, seconded by Allen and unanimously approved to approve the utility write off list as present by Utility Clerk Karen Brown.
On motion by Gatson, seconded by Hill and unanimously approved to approve the 2020/2021 amended by budget at follows: