January 2023 Regular Meeting
Town of Farmerville Regular Meeting Minutes for January 2023
Town of Farmerville Regular Meeting Minutes for January 2023
The Farmerville Town Council met in regular session at Farmerville Community Center, located at 407 South Main Street, Farmerville, Louisiana, January 9, 2023. The council members present were Mayor John Crow, Alderman Robert Allen, Thomas Nation, Caroline Gatson, and Ricky Johnikin. Alderman Kerry Hill arrived after meeting started.
The roll was called and with a quorum present Mayor Crow called the meeting to order and invocation was offered by Oliver Neal..
As state law requires, Town Clerk, Gay Nell Pepper, offered the public the opportunity to voice their opinion on all agenda items at this time. There were no comments.
On motion by Allen, seconded by Gatson and unanimously approved to approve the minutes from December 12, 2022, regular meeting.
On motion by Gatson, seconded by Allen and unanimously approved to approve the payables from December, 2022.
Alderman Hill came in at this time.
On motion by Gatson, seconded by Allen and unanimously approved to accept the monthly revenue and expenditure report for November as presented.
On motion by Allen, seconded by Nation and unanimously approved to approve the following liquor license renewal:
El Jarrito Mexican GrillClass “A” Retail Liquor
On motion by Gatson, seconded by Johnikin and unanimously approved to enter into an agreement with the Union Black Heritage Committee for a $2500 sponsorship for the 30th Annual Black Heritage Festival.
On motion by Hill, seconded by Nation and unanimously approved to pay Farmeville PD Detective $250.00 a month as Crime Stoppers Coordinator.
There being no further business to come before the council Mayor Crow adjourned this meeting the 9th day of January, 2023. Upon motion by Gatson, seconded by Johnikin and unanimously approved.
Gay Nell Pepper, Town Clerk
John Crow, Mayor