November 2022 Regular Meeting
Town of Farmerville Regular Meeting Minutes for November 2022
Town of Farmerville Regular Meeting Minutes for November 2022
The Farmerville Town Council met in regular session at Farmerville Community Center, located at 407 South Main Street, Farmerville, Louisiana, November 14, 2022. The council members present were Mayor John Crow, Alderman Robert Allen, Thomas Nation, Kerry Hill, Caroline Gatson, and Ricky Johnikin.
The roll was called and with a quorum present Mayor Crow called the meeting to order and invocation was offered by Alderman Johnikin.
As state law requires, Town Clerk, Gay Nell Pepper, offered the public the opportunity to voice their opinion on all agenda items at this time. There were no comments.
On motion by Gatson, seconded by Johnikin and unanimously approved to approve the minutes from October 10, 2022, regular meeting.
On motion by Allen, seconded by Nation and unanimously approved to approve the payables from October, 2022.
On motion by Gatson, seconded by Johnikin and unanimously approved to accept the monthly revenue and expenditure report for September as presented.
On motion by Allen, seconded by Nation and unanimously approved to approve the following liquor license renewals:
Super Save #6Class “B” Retail Liquor
Super Save #4Class “B” Retail Liquor
Rhett’s Tails & ShellsClass “A” Retail Liquor
Brookshire Food Store #38Class “B” Retail Liquor
Hudson Family EnterprisesClass “B” Beer Package House
Cooter’sClass “B” Retail Liquor
Walmart #1110Class “B” Retail Liquor
S Mart 8Class “B” Retail Liquor
On motion by Hill, seconded by Gatson and unanimously approved to allow other uses than produce sales at Farmer’s Market during off season. All vendors using the Farmer’s Market must register and sign agreement for use. Daily use rates will be $20 for half and $40 for the entire Market for non-produce vendors.
On motion by Allen, seconded by Hill and unanimously approved to purchase fifteen(15) tables and (90) chairs for the community center.
On motion by Allen, seconded by Nation and unanimously approved to donate Constable Scotty Aulds patrol unit #87.
On motion by Hill, seconded by Gatson and unanimously approved to enter into an agreement with Johnny Pearson for the use of his property to access our property located on Ann Street
On motion by Hill, seconded by Johnikin and unanimously approved to transfer 2% Fire Ins Rebate to the Farmerville Volunteer Fire Department.
On motion by Gatson, seconded by Hill and unanimously approved pay mileage reimbursement to Volunteer Fire Department for 2022.
On motion by Gatson, seconded by Hill and unanimously approved to advertise for RFQ’s for the MEGA Ramp.
On motion Hill, seconded by Allen and unanimously approved to purchase a new compactor for use at Foster Farms for a price of $27,888.06.
On motion by Allen, seconded by Johnikin an unanimously approved that anyone requesting a speed hump should contact their alderman and after a poll is taken from all citizens on the street of the proposed speed hump, the proposal will be brought to the Council Meeting for approval.
On motion by Gatson, seconded by Allen and unanimously approved to approve the following request from the Zoning Commission.
1. To ratify the zoning change for Koouana Harris property located at 502 W Jackson St. Farmerville, Louisiana, to R3.
There being no further business to come before the council Mayor Crow adjourned this meeting the 14th day of November, 2022. Upon motion by Johnikin, seconded by Gatson and unanimously approved.
Gay Nell Pepper, Town Clerk
John Crow, Mayor